Tuesday, August 27, 2024

St. Joseph Calasanctius

**St. Joseph Calasanctius** (also known as **Joseph Calasanz**) was a Spanish Catholic priest and educator, born on **September 11, 1557** in Aragon, Spain. He is the founder of the **Pious Schools**, which provided free education to poor boys. He was deeply moved by the vice and ignorance of the children of the poor in Rome and dedicated his life to their education. St. Joseph Calasanctius faced many challenges, including opposition from his own subjects and accusations to the Holy Office. Despite these difficulties, he remained hopeful and dedicated to his mission, stating, "My work was done solely for the love of God". He passed away on **August 25, 1648**.

His feast day is celebrated on **August 25**, and he is remembered for his significant contributions to education and his unwavering faith.

St. Joseph Calasanctius was born in Peralta de la Sal, in the Kingdom of Aragon, modern-day Spain. His parents were members of the nobility and devout Catholics who ensured that he was well educated and learned his catechism from a young age. He studied philosophy and law at the University of Lleida, earning a Doctorate in Laws with honors. He then studied theology in Valencia and Madrid.

Joseph sensed God's calling to become a priest at a young age. Despite initial resistance from his father, he was ordained a priest on **December 17, 1583**. He served in various capacities under different bishops, including theologian, confessor, and administrative positions.

In Rome, Joseph was deeply moved by the vice and ignorance of the children of the poor. He founded the **Pious Schools** (Ordo Clericorum Regularium Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum) to provide free education to poor boys. His vision was to offer an all-round culture, including religious education, science, math, literature, and Latin. He welcomed all students, including Jews and Protestants.

St. Joseph Calasanctius faced many challenges, including opposition from his own subjects and accusations to the Holy Office. Despite these difficulties, he remained hopeful and dedicated to his mission. He believed that education was the key to social and ecclesial renewal.

Joseph Calasanctius is remembered for his significant contributions to education and his unwavering faith. He had a vision of many children being taught by him and by a company of angels. His work was recognized and supported by Popes Clement VIII and Paul V. He was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on **July 16, 1767**.

His feast day is celebrated on **August 25**, and he is honored as the patron saint of Catholic schools, colleges, and schoolchildren.

St. Joseph Calasanctius' life and work continue to inspire many in the field of education and beyond.

(1) St. Joseph Calasanctius – Confessor | The Fatima Center. https://fatima.org/fatima-messages/saint-of-the-day/st-joseph-calasanctius-confessor/.

(2) Joseph Calasanz - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Calasanz.

(3) St. Joseph Calasanctius – Confessor | The Fatima Center. https://fatima.org/fatima-messages/saint-of-the-day/st-joseph-calasanctius-confessor/.

(4) Joseph Calasanz - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Calasanz.

(5) The Daily Mass: St Joseph Calasanz - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixg1JOyYbCc.

(6) Ordo: Augustus 2024 - Divinum Officium. https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/kalendar.pl.

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