Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Saint Hermes
**Saint Hermes** was a martyr who lived during the early Christian period. Here are some key points about him:
- **Birth and Death**: Saint Hermes was born in Greece and died in Rome as a martyr in **120 AD**.
- **Veneration**: He is venerated as a saint by both the **Catholic Church** and the **Eastern Orthodox Church**.
- **Feast Day**: His feast day is celebrated on **August 28th**.
- **Relics and Pilgrimage**: Some of his relics were given to Spoleto by Pope Gregory the Great, and others were brought to Ronse in Belgium, where a church was later built in his honor¹ He became known for curing mental illnesses, and a pilgrimage in his honor sustained the local economy.
- **Historical Records**: His name appears in the **Martyrologium Hieronymianum** and the **Depositio Martyrum** (354 AD).
Saint Hermes is remembered for his steadfast faith and martyrdom.
¹: [Wikipedia](^1^)
²: [DBpedia](^2^)
(1) Saint Hermes - Wikipedia.
(2) About: Saint Hermes - DBpedia Association.
(3) Saint Hermes - Wikipedia.
(4) About: Saint Hermes - DBpedia Association.
(5) Hermas, Saint | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia.
(6) Saint Hermes The Exorcist - Catholic Saint | Saint for a Minute ....
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