Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saint Bartholomew the Apostle

"S. Bartholomaei Apostoli" refers to **Saint Bartholomew the Apostle**. He was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. Bartholomew is often identified with Nathanael, who appears in the Gospel according to John as being introduced to Christ by Philip.

The **Passion of Bartholomew** provides an account of his journey to India, where he encountered temples of Astaroth and Beireth, demons who were worshipped as gods by the local people.

Several miracles attributed to Saint Bartholome :

1. **Healing and Exorcism**: As an apostle, Bartholomew was given the power to perform miracles, including healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing those who have leprosy, and driving out demons. These miracles were performed during his time with Jesus and continued after Jesus' death and resurrection.

2. **Miracles in India**: Tradition narrates that Bartholomew served as a missionary in India, where he left behind a copy of the Gospel of Matthew. During his time in India, he is said to have performed numerous miracles.

3. **Miracles in Italy**: In the town of Lipari, Italy, a miracle is attributed to Saint Bartholomew. Each year on his feast day, the townspeople carry a statue of him from inside the cathedral around the town. One morning, the statue became heavy, and each time men tried to carry it, the statue became heavier until it was too heavy to carry.

From the Breviary The Apostle Bartholomew was a Galilean. In the division of the world among the Apostles it fell to his lot to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in hither India. He went thither and preached to those nations the coming of the Lord Jesus, according to the Gospel of St. Matthew. When he had turned many in that province to Jesus Christ, and had endured many toils and woes, he came into the Greater Armenia.There he brought to the Christian faith Polymius the King, and his wife, and likewise the inhabitants of twelve cities. This stirred up a great hatred against him among the priests of that nation. They so inflamed against the Apostle, Astyages the brother of King Polymius, that he savagely ordered Bartholomew to be flayed alive and beheaded; under the which martyrdom he gave up his soul to God.His body was buried at the town of Albanopolis in the Greater Armenia, where he had suffered. It was afterwards taken to the Island of Lipari, and thence carried to Benevento. Lastly, the Emperor Otto III brought it to Rome, where it was laid in the Church dedicated to God in his name on the Island in the Tiber.

These accounts are based on tradition and apocryphal texts. The New Testament provides little information about Bartholomew's specific miracles. His life and works have inspired Christians for centuries, and he is venerated in various Christian traditions.

Bartholomew expelled a demon from a man named Pseustius, which attracted the attention of Polymius, the king of the region. After Bartholomew healed the king's daughter, the king tried to send him treasures and clothing, but Bartholomew refused, saying the gifts were for people who wanted earthly things. He then delivered a lesson on the Son of God as born from Mary, the first virgin.

In the Roman Catholic Church, the feast day of Saint Bartholomew is celebrated on August 24th. The Roman Breviary includes prayers and readings for this feast day, such as the "Laudes S. Bartholomaei Apostoli".

The details about Saint Bartholomew's life and works are based on tradition and apocryphal texts, as the New Testament provides little information about him. His life and works have inspired Christians for centuries, and he is venerated in various Christian traditions.

(1) Who Was Bartholomew the Apostle? The Beginner’s Guide.

(2) Bartholomew the Apostle - Wikipedia.

(3) Bartholomew the Apostle - Path to Sainthood.

(4) St. Bartholomew the Apostle — From Skeptic to Believer in a Moment.

(5) Story of Saint Bartholomew | English | Story of Saints.

(6) Passion of Bartholomew – NASSCAL.

(7) Laudes S. Bartholomæi Apostoli. Roman Breviary, 1960 (English).

(8) Biografía de San Bartolomé Apóstol.

(9) S. Bartholomæi, Apostoli II. classis - YouTube.

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