Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Saint Cajetan the Confessor

"S. Cajetani Confessoris" refers to **Saint Cajetan the Confessor**. Saint Cajetan, whose original name was Gaetano dei Conti di Thiene, was an Italian Catholic priest and religious reformer. He was born on October 6, 1480, and died on August 7, 1547.

He is recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on **August 7**. Saint Cajetan was a co-founder of the Theatines, a religious order in the Catholic Church¹. He is known for his work as a diplomat for Pope Julius II, his establishment of hospitals for the incurable in Vicenza and Venice, and his spiritual healing efforts.

Cajetan was born at Vicenza of the noble family of Tiene, and was at once dedicated by his mother to the Virgin Mother of God.

He won his degree in civil and canon law at Padua and went to Rome, where he was appointed a prelate by Julius II and later ordained to the priesthood.

He founded hospitals with his own money, and with his own hands served the sick, even those stricken with contagious diseases.

He worked so zealously for the salvation of others that he came to be called Hunter of souls.

The discipline of the clergy had fallen to a low state; with the aim of restoring it after the pattern of the apostolic life, Cajetan founded the Order of Clerks Regular. They were to give up all involvement in worldly affairs; they were not to possess any revenues or to beg for their subsistence from the faithful, but to live only on alms spontaneously offered.

And so, with the approval of Clement VII, Cajetan took solemn vows at the High Altar of the Vatican Basilica, together with John Peter Carafa, Bishop of Chieti and afterwards Paul IV, and two other men of outstandingly holy lives.

He was a great advancer of care in the worship of God, of splendour in the house of God, of exactness in the holy ceremonies, and of the frequent reception of the most holy Eucharist.

Full of merits, he went to his heavenly reward at Naples, and there his body is highly venerated in the Church of St. Paul.

Saint Cajetan is the patron saint of bankers, unemployed people, workers, gamblers, document controllers, job seekers, and people seeking good fortune. He is also venerated in various countries including Albania, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Philippines.

Several miracles are attributed to Saint Cajetan:

1. **Miracle of the Infant Jesus**: One of the most renowned miracles associated with Saint Cajetan centers around the Infant Jesus. During a time of great famine and despair, Cajetan fervently prayed for assistance. In response to his unwavering faith, the Infant Jesus miraculously appeared before him, bringing healing and hope to the suffering masses.

2. **Healing of the Sick**: Saint Cajetan is known to have miraculously cured many who were sick. One notable instance was when he cured a man whose foot was to be amputated due to gangrene. After telling the man to trust in God and ask for the intercession of St. Francis, he kissed the foot, rebandaged it, and made the sign of the cross over it. The following day, the foot was healed.

3. **Intercession during the Plague**: A miracle is attributed to Saint Cajetan when, in 1656, his intercession was invoked when the deadly plague struck Naples.

These miracles contributed to his canonization and his veneration as a saint in the Catholic Church. His life and miracles continue to inspire many people around the world.

(1) Saint Cajetan - Wikipedia.

(2) Ordo: Augustus 2024 - Divinum Officium.

(3) The Daily Mass: St Cajetan – SELEISI.

(4) Ad Vesperas - S. Cajetani Confessoris ~ III. classis. (5) undefined.

(6) The Life and Legacy of Saint Cajetan: A Closer Look at His Miracles and ....

(7) Prayers, Quips and Quotes: St. Cajetan, Feast Day August 7.

(8) St Cajetan, Priest – Feast Day – August 7 2024 - Leituras Católicas. (9) Saint Cajetan - Wikipedia.

(10) Saint Cajetan of Thiene | Biography, Facts, & Contributions.

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