Friday, August 9, 2024
On the Vigil of St. Lawrence the Martyr
The phrase "In Vigilia S. Laurentii Martyris" is Latin and translates to "On the Vigil of St. Lawrence the Martyr" in English.
This refers to the day before the feast day of St. Lawrence, a Christian martyr. The vigil is a time of spiritual preparation for the feast day. St. Lawrence is venerated in the Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on August 10th. The vigil, therefore, would be observed on August 9th.
St. Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Rome, Italy, who were martyred during the persecution of the Church by Emperor Valerian in 258. He is especially honored for his charitable service to the poor and his courageous witness of faith.
St. Lawrence, also known as Laurence, was one of the seven deacons of Rome under Pope Sixtus II. He was born on December 31, AD 225, possibly in Huesca or Valencia, which are now part of modern-day Spain.
Lawrence served the church in a time of severe persecution under the Roman Emperor Valerian. He was responsible for the care of the church's treasury and the distribution of alms to the poor. When Pope Sixtus II was captured and executed, Lawrence was ordered to turn over the riches of the Church. Instead, he distributed as much of the Church's property to the poor as possible to prevent it from being seized.
Although it is likely that Lawrence was beheaded, there is a tradition that he was roasted to death on a gridiron. This account comes from St. Ambrose of Milan and the Latin poet Prudentius, who recorded that Lawrence remarked to his torturers at one point, "I am cooked on that side; turn me over, and eat.". His courage and faith led to many conversions to Christianity throughout Rome, including those of several senators who witnessed his execution.
St. Lawrence is venerated as a martyr and is celebrated for his Christian valour. He is the patron saint of the poor and of cooks. His feast day is observed on August 10th. The Basilica of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura (St. Lawrence Outside the Walls) in Rome was built over his burial place.
(1) VIGIL OF ST LAWRENCE - Maternal Heart.
(2) In martyris Laurentii (Gregorian chant) - ChoralWiki.
(3) Gaudemus sane - Littera apostolica | Ioannes Paulus II - Vatican.
(4) Saint Lawrence - Wikipedia.
(5) Saint Lawrence | Tradition, Martyrdom, & Facts | Britannica.
(6) St. Lawrence: The Inspiring (And Witty) Patron of Deacons.
(7) Saint Lawrence of Brindisi | Biography, Legacy, & Facts.
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