Sunday, August 18, 2024
In the context of the Bible, "murmuring" is often viewed as a form of complaining or expressing discontent towards God. It signifies a lack of trust, faith, and gratitude towards God’s provisions and plans. The act of murmuring is seen as rebellious and disrespectful towards God’s authority and sovereignty.
In some places in the Bible, "murmur" translates a Hebrew word (raghan) which suggests the malicious whispering of slander. In the New Testament, "murmur" renders two different words, namely, gogguzo, and embrimaomai. The latter word suggests indignation and fault-finding.
Murmuring can lead to consequences such as delayed blessings or facing challenges until a change in attitude occurs. Therefore, many verses in the Bible advise against murmuring and encourage trust and contentment in God's plans.
(1) Biblical Insights into the Meaning of Murmuring.
(2) Definition Of Murmur In The Bible - Eternal Bible.
(3) Topical Bible: Murmur.
(4) 20 Important Bible Verses About Murmuring (God Hates Murmuring!).
(5) 12 Bible verses about Murmuring - Online Bible.
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