Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Saint Monica
The **Memorial of Saint Monica** is celebrated on **August 27**. Saint Monica is best known as the mother of Saint Augustine, one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church. She was born around **332 AD** in Thagaste, present-day Souk Ahras, Algeria, and was a member of the Berber tribe.
Saint Monica is the **patron saint** of homemakers, married women, mothers, abuse victims, alcoholics, and widows. She is also invoked against difficult marriages and difficult children. Her life was marked by her deep faith and persistent prayer, especially for the conversion of her son, Augustine, who eventually became a bishop and a Doctor of the Church.
Monica's marriage to Patricius, a pagan with a violent temper, was challenging, but her unwavering faith and virtues led to his conversion and baptism. She is remembered for her pious tears and prayers, which were mercifully accepted by God.
Saint Monica, born in Thagaste (present-day Souk Ahras, Algeria), is remembered for her unwavering faith and persistent prayers. She was married to Patricius, a pagan with a violent temper, and faced many challenges in her marriage⁴. Despite these difficulties, her virtues and faith led to Patricius' conversion and baptism.
Monica had three children who survived infancy: Augustine, Navigius, and Perpetua. She grieved heavily when Augustine fell ill and was unable to secure baptism for him. Her prayers and tears for Augustine's conversion were eventually answered, and he became a bishop and a Doctor of the Church.
Monica's life was marked by her deep faith, almsgiving, and prayer habits. She is the **patron saint** of homemakers, married women, mothers, abuse victims, alcoholics, and widows⁴. She is also invoked against difficult marriages and difficult children.
Monica died in **387 AD** in Ostia, Italy, and her feast day is celebrated on **August 27**. Her life and virtues are commemorated in the readings for her memorial, and the liturgical color for the day is white, symbolizing purity and joy.
On this memorial, the liturgical color is white, symbolizing purity and joy. The readings for the Memorial of Saint Monica reflect her life and virtues.
(1) Saint Monica, Mother of St. Augustine - My Catholic Life!. https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/st-monica-mother-of-st-augustine-august-27/.
(2) Readings for the Memorial of St. Monica - liturgies. http://www.liturgies.net/saints/monica/readings.htm.
(3) Memorial of Saint Monica - Mass Program - St. Patrick's Cathedral. https://saintpatrickscathedral.org/news/memorial-of-saint-monica-mass-program.
(4) Protected: 5 Things You Should Know About St. Monica - The Basilica of .... https://www.nationalshrine.org/blog/5-things-you-should-know-about-st-monica/.
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