Monday, July 29, 2024
Saint Martha
Saint Martha, also known as Martha of Bethany, is described in the Gospels of Luke and John. Here are some key details about her:
- **Family and Residence**: Martha lived in the village of Bethany near Jerusalem with her siblings Lazarus and Mary¹. She was the middle child, with Lazarus being the eldest and Mary being the youngest.
- **Interactions with Jesus**: Martha is known for her interactions with Jesus Christ. She often hosted Jesus in her home, especially during His preaching in Jerusalem. She was a witness to Jesus resurrecting her brother, Lazarus.
- **Faith**: Martha is recognized for her strong faith. Even in the face of what seemed impossible, she had complete confidence in Jesus.
- **Symbolism**: Martha is often symbolized with a broom and keys. She is considered the patron saint of various professions including butlers, cooks, dietitians, domestic servants, homemakers, hotel-keepers, housemaids, housewives, innkeepers, laundry workers, maids, servants, servers, single laywomen, and travellers.
- **Feast Day**: Martha is commemorated each year on July 29 in the Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran traditions, and on June 4 in the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
Martha's story serves as a reminder of the importance of balancing our daily duties with spiritual nourishment. She teaches us that while it's important to be diligent in our work, it's equally important to nourish our spirit and listen to the Word of God.
Martha was born of noble and wealthy parents, but is most renowned for her hospitality to Christ the Lord. Tradition says that after his Ascension she was arrested by the Jews, together with her brother and sister, and many other Christians, and put into a boat without sail or oars, which came to harbour in Marseilles. Because of this miracle and their preaching, the people of Marseilles and the neighbouring tribes believed in Christ. Martha won the love and admiration of all the people of Marseilles by her wonderful holiness of life and her charity. She retired with other good women to a place far removed from men. There she lived for a long time, highly renowned for her piety and her prudence. At length, famous for miracles, she went to the Lord, having foretold her death long before it occurred.
According to Provençal tradition, after the resurrection of Christ, Saint Martha, along with Mary Magdalene, Lazarus, and their companions, set sail from their homeland due to persecution. They were carried by the currents and winds to Gaul, more precisely to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.
After their arrival, the disciples and faithful separated. Martha traveled towards Avignon and ended up in Tarascon. Mary Magdalene, Lazarus, Maximin, and Cedonius traveled on to **Marseille**. Here, **Saint Martha** and her companions began to preach and ended up converting the whole of Provence. Lazarus became the first bishop of Marseille².
This journey of Saint Martha and her companions is a significant part of the Christian history in Marseille and the broader region of Provence. Their work laid the foundation for the spread of Christianity in this region.
(1) The relics of Mary-Magdalene | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Tourism.
(2) Mary Magdalene Relics in France - Magdalene Publishing.
(3) Saint Martha, Disciple of the Lord - Vatican News.
(4) Martha - Wikipedia.
(5) Saint Martha | Newman Ministry.
(6) Saint Martha, Disciple of the Lord - Vatican News.
(7) Saint Martha |
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