Sunday, July 7, 2024
Abisag a Sunamitess
Now king David was old, and advanced in years: and when he was covered with clothes, he was not warm. His servants therefore said to him: Let us seek for our lord the king, a young virgin, and let her stand before the king, and cherish him, and sleep in his bosom, and warm our lord the king. So they sought a beautiful young woman in all the coasts of Israel, and they found Abisag a Sunamitess, and brought her to the king. And the damsel was exceeding beautiful, and she slept with the king: and served him, but the king did not know her.
Abishag was a beautiful young woman from Shunem who was chosen to serve King David in his old age. She provided him with care and companionship, but it's important to note that the king did not have sexual relations with her. This is what is meant by the phrase "the king did not know her" in the biblical context.
After King David's death, his son Solomon became king. Adonijah, another of David's sons, asked to marry Abishag. This request was seen as an attempt to usurp the throne, and as a result, Solomon ordered Adonijah's death.
(1) Douay-Rheims Bible, 3 Kings (1 Kings) Chapter 1.
(2) Is the Sulamitess of Cant. 6:12 & 7:1 a reference to Abisag?.
(3) 1 Kings 2:21 - Bible Hub.
(4) Abishag the Shunammite - Jewish Virtual Library.
(5) Sunamitess - definition and meaning - Wordnik.
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