Friday, July 19, 2024
Saint Vincent de Paul
"S. Vincentii a Paulo Confessoris" refers to **Saint Vincent de Paul**, a renowned French Catholic priest who dedicated his life to serving the poor. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. He was canonized in 1737 and is celebrated on **July 19**.
Saint Vincent de Paul founded the **Congregation of the Mission**, a society of missionary priests commonly known as the Vincentians, and with Louise de Marillac, the **Daughters of Charity**. He is also known for his compassion, humility, and generosity.
The phrase "S. Vincentii a Paulo Confessoris: Missa \"Justus\"" refers to the Mass for Saint Vincent de Paul, with "Justus" being the introit, or entrance chant, of the Mass. The Traditional Latin Mass is often recorded at the Brighton Oratory, UK.
Saint Vincent de Paul was a French Catholic priest who dedicated his life to serving the poor. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion.
From his very boyhood, Vincent de Paul, born at Puy in Gascony, was remarkable for his great charity toward the poor. Called from the care of his father's flock to the study of letters and then ordained to the priesthood, he fell into the hands of the Turks, who took him captive into Africa.
With his master, an apostate whom he had won back to the faith of Christ, he escaped and went back to France.
In the parishes entrusted to him and then as chaplain of the galleys, he zealously undertook the work of the salvation of souls.
As director of the Visitation nuns for about forty years, he governed them most wisely.
Even in his old age, he worked untiringly for the evangelization of the poor, especially of those who lived in the country.
He had founded a Congregation under the name of the Secular Priests of the Missions, and he bound them to this apostolic work by a perpetual vow confirmed by the Holy See.
He established many associations for seeking out and aiding the unfortunate and for the education of girls.
At length, worn out by bodily mortification, labours and old age, he peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in the year of salvation 1660.
Famous for his miracles, he was placed among the Saints by Clement XII, and Leo XIII declared and appointed him the special heavenly patron of all charitable associations in the whole Catholic world which trace their origin in some way to him.
Here are some more details about him:
- **Society of St. Vincent de Paul**: Saint Vincent de Paul founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, also known as SVDP. This society harnesses the power of community and partnerships to feed, clothe, house, and heal individuals and families in the community who have nowhere else to turn for help. The volunteer members of this society, known as Vincentians, are women and men who are compelled by their Catholic Christian faith to serve those who are needy and suffering.
- **Local Chapters**: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has local chapters across the United States, providing Vincentians with financial support, training, education, and spiritual formation as they assist millions of our most vulnerable neighbors. You can find information about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul closest to you from the location listings on their website.
- **Charitable Works**: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the United States provides more than $1.4 billion in aid to more than 4 million people every year. They offer a range of services, from rental assistance and homelessness prevention to thrift stores and food pantries, to disaster recovery and charitable pharmacies.
- **Mission**: The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need”.
Saint Vincent de Paul's legacy continues to inspire and guide many people around the world in their service to those in need.
(1) Home - SVDP USA.
(2) Finding Your Local St. Vincent de Paul Chapter - SVDP USA.
(3) .
(4) St Vincent de Paul Society Paris, TX.
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