Thursday, July 18, 2024
Saint Camillus de Lellis
"S. Camilli de Lellis Confessoris" refers to **Saint Camillus de Lellis**, a confessor in the Catholic Church.
He was born in 1550 and died in 1614. Throughout much of his life, he struggled with a gambling addiction, which even led him to destitution. However, by the grace of God, he overcame this vice.
Camillus eventually found his way to a military career, where he picked up his gambling vice. After leaving the military, he sought work in a hospital for incurables, hoping to be cured of abscesses in his feet. His gambling and quarrelsome disposition got him fired from the hospital, so he went back to soldiering.
After his term of service ended, he worked on a construction project for some Capuchins. This time, the guardian managed to turn his gambling around and, though he sought admission to the community, they refused him because of his feet problems.
Camillus returned to Rome and the hospital where he previously worked. He obtained temporary relief of his foot problems and, with a changed life, became a nurse and eventually director of that hospital. He announced plans to create a religious order of infirmarians, which eventually took root.
At 32, he set on the path of priesthood. He also founded a new religious order, the "Fathers of a Good Death," whose members devoted themselves to the plague-stricken and to assist those who were dying. The "Order of the Ministers of the Sick," as its name came to be, elected Camillus its first superior, but eventually resigned to devote himself directly to the community’s ministry.
The feast day of Saint Camillus de Lellis is celebrated on **July 14**. His life and work are commemorated in various ways, including through prayers and the veneration of his relics.
(1) St. Camillus De Lellis, a Gambling Addict Who Became a Saint.
(3) The Heart of St. Camillus de Lellis (in HD Video).
(4) St. Camillus de Lellis.
(5) The Daily Mass: St Camillus de Lellis - YouTube.
(6) Saint Camillus de Lellis ‘Theologian’ of the Concern of God.
(7) Ad Laudes - S. Camilli de Lellis Confessoris - IMDb.
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