Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saint Pantaleon the Martyr

"S. Pantaleonis Martyris" refers to Saint Pantaleon the Martyr. Saint Pantaleon, also known as Panteleimon, is venerated as a Great Martyr and Unmercenary Healer in Christianity.

Here's a brief overview of his life and significance:

- He was born around 275 AD in Nicomedia, modern-day Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey.

- Pantaleon was the son of a rich pagan, Eustorgius of Nicomedia, and had been instructed in Christianity by his Christian mother, Saint Eubula.

- He studied medicine under a renowned physician Euphrosinos and became the physician to the emperor, Maximian.

- He was won back to Christianity by Saint Hermolaus, who convinced him that Christ was the better physician.

- By miraculously healing a blind man by invoking the name of Jesus over him, Pantaleon converted his father.

- After his father's death, he came into possession of a large fortune. He freed his slaves and distributed his wealth among the poor.

- He was martyred in Nicomedia during the Diocletianic Persecution of 305 AD.

Saint Pantaleon is regarded as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers of the Late Middle Ages in Western Christianity, and one of the Holy Unmercenary Healers in Eastern Christianity. He is the patron saint of physicians, apothecaries, midwives, livestock, lottery, lottery winners and victories, lottery tickets; and is invoked against headaches, consumption, locusts, witchcraft, accidents, and loneliness. His feast day is celebrated on July 27.

(1) Saint Pantaleon - Wikipedia.

(2) S. Pantaleonis Martyris ~ Simplex.

(3) Apolytikion of St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Healer.

(4) Saint Pantaleon Biography | Pantheon.

(5) The Daily Mass: St Pantaleon - YouTube.

(6) Ordo: Julius 2024 - Divinum Officium.

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