Saturday, July 6, 2024
Sanctæ Mariæ Sabbato
The text is in Latin and it's related to the Catholic liturgical calendar.
- "Sanctæ Mariæ Sabbato ~ IV. classis" translates to "Saturday of Saint Mary ~ 4th class". In the context of the Catholic liturgy, a "class" refers to the rank of a feast day, with 1st class being the highest and 4th class being the lowest.
- "Sabbato infra Hebdomadam VI post Octavam Pentecostes" translates to "Saturday within the 6th week after the Octave of Pentecost". The Octave of Pentecost is the eight-day period, or octave, that begins on Pentecost Sunday. So this refers to a Saturday that falls within the sixth week after that period.
(1) Divinum Officium.
(2) Ordo: Julius 2024.
(3) Ordo: Julius 2024 - Divinum Officium.
(4) Sanctæ Mariæ Sabbato IV. classis - YouTube.
(5) Sanctae Mariae Sabbato ~ IV. classis Sancta Missa Capilla Santa María ....
(6) Divinum Officium.
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
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