Friday, July 5, 2024

Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria

Today, we focus on Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria, a confessor of the Roman Catholic Church. He was an early leader of the Counter Reformation and the founder of religious orders. He promoted the devotion to the Passion of Christ, the Eucharist, and the renewal of the religious life among the laity.

The term "III. classis" refers to the rank of the feast day in the liturgical calendar. In this case, it indicates that Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria's feast day is of the third class, which is a ranking system used in the 1960 Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal.

Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria was born in 1502 and died on July 5, 1539. His feast day is celebrated on July 5. He is the patron saint of the Barnabite order, Angelic Sisters of St. Paul, Laity of St. Paul, and Physicians¹. His major shrine is located in San Paolo convent, Milan, Italy.

Born at Cremona of a noble family, Anthony Mary Zacharias even from his boyhood shone by his virtuous character and his mercy to the poor. During his education in the humanities, philosophy and medicine, he excelled his companions both in holiness of life and in keenness of mind. At a sign from God, he zealously cultivated the sacred sciences. After his ordination, the zeal of his priestly life soon earned for him the titles of Father and Angel of his country, bestowed on him by his fellow-citizens. At Milan, with the holy men Bartholomew Ferrári and James Morigia, he founded the Society of Clerks Regular named after St. Paul, and the society of nuns called the Angelicals. He was zealous in adoration of the Holy Eucharist and strongly promoted the public exposition of the most holy Sacrament. Enriched by God with heavenly gifts and worn out by his great labours, he contracted a serious illness, and he died a most holy death on the 5th day of July, 1539, at Cremona. Leo XIII approved and confirmed the cult already paid to him and enrolled him in the list of the Saints.

Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria is venerated in several ways today:

1. **Feast Day**: His feast day is celebrated on **July 5** every year in the Catholic Church.

2. **Devotions**: He is remembered for his teachings, particularly his emphasis on love for the Eucharist and Christ crucified. His followers continue to practice these devotions.

3. **Forty-Hour Devotion**: He popularized the Forty-hour devotion for the laity – the solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for adoration by the faithful.

4. **Church Bells**: He is credited for reviving the custom of ringing church bells in Milan at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays, in remembrance of the passion and death of Jesus.

5. **Shrine**: His mortal remains are enshrined at the Church of Saint Barnabas in Milan, Italy.

6. **Online Celebrations**: There are online celebrations and discussions about his life and teachings, such as on YouTube.

Through these practices, the legacy of Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria continues to inspire and guide the faithful today. His teachings and the religious orders he founded continue to have a significant impact on the Catholic Church. His life and works are a testament to his dedication to the service of others and his deep love for God. His veneration serves as a reminder of these values and his contributions to the Church.

Miracles attributed to Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria:

1. **Miraculous Occurrence During First Mass**: It is said that during his first Mass, Anthony was surrounded by a supernatural light and a multitude of angels during the consecration of the Eucharist. This event was witnessed by contemporaries who testified to it after his death.

2. **Cures After His Death**: After his death, a number of cures were attributed to the intercession of Anthony Mary Zaccaria.

3. **Incorrupt Body**: 27 years after his death, his body was found to be incorrupt. This is considered a miracle in the Catholic Church.

These miracles contributed to his canonization by Pope Leo XIII on May 27, 1897. His mortal remains are now enshrined at the Church of Saint Barnabas in Milan, Italy. His life and miracles continue to inspire the faithful and attest to his sanctity.

(1) St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria - Catholic News Agency. (2) Anthony Zaccaria - Wikipedia. (3) Saint Anthony Zaccaria | Franciscan Media. (4) St Anthony Maria Zaccaria – Feast Day – July 5 2023. (5) JULY 5TH (ST ANTHONY MARIA ZACCARIA) - YouTube. (6) Anthony Zaccaria - Wikipedia. (7) Anthony Zaccaria - Wikiwand.

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