Monday, July 15, 2024

S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris

"S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris" is Latin for "Saint Henry the Emperor, Confessor".

Saint Henry II was a Holy Roman Emperor and a devout Catholic who was later canonized.

The term "Confessor" refers to a saint who confessed their faith in Christ by their lives while not being a martyr.

The phrase you provided is often seen in the context of liturgical texts, such as those for the Traditional Latin Mass.

It appears that there are also podcast episodes titled "Ad Vesperas - S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris ~ III. classis" and "Ad Laudes - S. Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris ~ III. classis", which suggest that these are parts of the Divine Office (a set of prayers marking the hours of each day) dedicated to Saint Henry.

The feast day of Saint Henry is celebrated on July 13th.

Saint Henry II, born in 972, was a Holy Roman Emperor and a devout Catholic. He was the son of Henry, the Duke of Bavaria, and Gisella, daughter of King Conrad of Burgundy. He received an excellent education under the care of St. Wolfgang, Bishop of Ratisbon.

In 995, he succeeded his father as Duke of Bavaria. Upon the death of his cousin, Otto III, in 1002, he claimed the throne and was crowned King of Germany. He was later crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Benedict VIII in Rome in 1014.

Henry, surnamed the Pious, was first Duke of Bavaria, then King of Germany, and finally Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

He devoted himself zealously to the spread of religion. The bishopric of Bamberg, which he had founded with his family wealth, he made tributary of St. Peter and the Roman Pontiff.

He received Benedict VIII when he was a fugitive and restored him to his See.

To protect the Roman Church, he undertook a war against the Greeks and recovered Apulia, which they had held for a long time.

Protected by divine aid, he fought the barbarian nations more with prayers than with force of arms.

When Hungary was still pagan, he gave his sister in marriage to its king, Stephen, who was baptized and brought the whole kingdom to the faith.

Henry joined matrimony with holy virginity, and when he was near death he restored St. Cunegunda, his wife, as a virgin to her family.

Finally, even more famous for his holiness than for his temporal rule, he was called to the reward of the heavenly kingdom in the year 1024, and was added to the number of the Saints by Eugene III.

Saint Henry was known for his great faith and close relationship with the Church. He appointed devout and loyal bishops, reformed German bishops, created new dioceses, and endowed bishops with temporal power alongside their spiritual power. He was also a man of great charity, often visiting churches in each city he visited for extended periods of time.

Saint Henry was canonized by Pope Eugene III in 1146. His feast day is celebrated on July 13th. He is the patron saint of kings, Benedictine Oblates, handicapped people, and those rejected from religious orders. He is also invoked against sterility.

(1) Saint Henry - My Catholic Life!.

(2) Saint Henry | Newman Ministry.

(3) Saint Henry | uCatholic.

(4) St. Henry bio.

(5) Saint Henry | Franciscan Media.

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