Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The text **"S. Nominis Beatae Mariae Virginis"** translates to **"The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary"**. This refers to the feast celebrated in honor of the name of the Virgin Mary. The feast is observed on **September 12th** each year and commemorates the name of Mary, which is revered in Catholic tradition.

The name **Mary** holds significant importance in Christianity and is deeply revered. Here are some key points about the significance of Mary's name:

1. **Meaning of the Name**: The name Mary comes from the Hebrew name **Miryam**, which can mean **"bitterness"**, **"rebelliousness"**, or **"wished-for child"**. Despite these meanings, Mary is often associated with qualities such as **grace**, **humility**, and **strength**.

2. **Mary, the Mother of Jesus**: Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most prominent figures in the Bible. She was chosen by God to bear His Son, Jesus Christ, and her life is marked by significant events such as the **Annunciation**, the **Birth of Jesus**, and the **Presentation in the Temple**. Her unwavering faith and obedience to God's will have made her a model of discipleship and devotion.

3. **Symbol of Purity and Devotion**: In Christian theology, Mary is revered as a symbol of **purity**, **grace**, **devotion**, and **motherhood**. Her example encourages Christians to live lives characterized by trust in God and obedience to His will.

4. **Role in Jesus' Ministry**: Mary was present at various points during Jesus' ministry, including His first miracle at the wedding in Cana and His crucifixion¹. She is also known for her profound faith and humility, as reflected in her **Magnificat** (Luke 1:46-55), a hymn of praise to God.

5. **Inspiration to Believers**: Mary's life and example have inspired countless Christians throughout history. She is venerated not only as the mother of Christ but also as a model of faithfulness and devotion.

Overall, the name Mary and her role in Christianity hold deep spiritual significance, serving as a source of inspiration and a model of faith for believers.

From the Breviary
The honoured name of the Virgin Mary, which is said to mean Star of the Sea, is most fitting for the Virgin Mother. She may well be compared to a star; for, as a star beameth forth its rays without any diminution of its own lustre, so too the Virgin gave birth to a Son with no loss to her virginity. The departing rays do not lessen the star's brightness, nor Mary's Son her ínviolate maidenhood. She is, therefore, that noble star risen from Jacob and raised by nature above this great and wide sea. She shineth with merits, she enlighteneth with her example. Ye, all ye that are cast about upon sea of temporalities in storms and tempests more than ye walk on solid land, turn ye not your eyes away from the brightness of this star. Think of Mary, call on Mary, so that ye may experience for yourself how fittingly it was said, And the Virgin's name was Mary. - Pope Innocent XI ordered the Feast of this most holy name, which had already been honoured with a special rite in some parts of the Christian world, to be celebrated each year by the universal Church as a perpetual memorial of the great blessing of that signal victory won at Vienna in Austria over the cruel Turkish tyrant who had been grinding down the Christian people.

(1) What Does The Name Mary Mean In The Bible ... - Christian Website.
(2) Meaning of The Name Mary (Biblical, Spiritual & General).
(3) The Significance of Mary in Christianity: Exploring Bible Characters ....
(4) Exploring Mary Name Meaning in the Bible – Deep Insights.
(5) Exploring Mary Name Meaning in the Bible – Deep Insights.
(6) Unveiling the Meaning of the Name Mary in the Bible - Web Agency Demo 1.

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