Sunday, September 8, 2024
Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. Bk. 7 on Luke XIV
Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.
Bk. 7 on Luke XIV
Now is healed this man sick of the dropsy, in whom too much watery matter had well-nigh drowned the functions of life, and quenched the fire of understanding. Anon, a lesson is given in lowly-mindedness, when it is forbidden to the guests at a marriage feast to go and sit down unasked in the highest room, albeit the Lord spake gently, that the teaching of courtesy might forestall a harsh rebuke, reason prevail by dint of persuasion, and the desires be bent to follow the instruction. And upon this, as next-door neighbour, cometh courtesy, which is so called by the Lord, when it is shown to the poor and weak, since to show it to them from whom we are to receive aught, is but a movement of self-interest.
The above text from a **homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan**, specifically from **Book 7 on Luke XIV**. In this homily, St. Ambrose reflects on the healing of a man with dropsy by Jesus. Dropsy, known today as edema, is a condition characterized by abnormal swelling due to the accumulation of fluid in the body's tissues.
St. Ambrose describes how the excessive watery matter in the man with dropsy had nearly drowned the functions of life and quenched the fire of understanding. Jesus' healing of this man is a demonstration of His compassion and divine power.
Following the healing, St. Ambrose discusses a lesson in humility, where Jesus advises guests at a marriage feast not to take the highest place uninvited. This teaching of courtesy is meant to prevent a harsh rebuke and to encourage reason and persuasion. St. Ambrose emphasizes that true courtesy is shown to the poor and weak, rather than those from whom we expect something in return, as the latter is merely an act of self-interest.
This homily highlights the themes of healing, humility, and genuine courtesy as taught by Jesus.
Humility is a central virtue in Christianity, and it is emphasized throughout the Bible and Christian teachings. Here are some key aspects of humility in Christianity:
1. **Recognition of Dependence on God**: Humility involves acknowledging our limitations, weaknesses, and complete dependence on God. It is about recognizing that we are not self-sufficient and that we need God's grace and guidance in our lives.
2. **Imitating Christ**: Jesus Christ is the ultimate model of humility. He humbled Himself by becoming human and obediently accepting death on the cross (Philippians 2:5-8). Christians are called to imitate Christ's humility by serving others and putting their needs before our own.
3. **Trusting in God's Wisdom**: Humility means trusting in God's wisdom and following His will, even when it goes against our own desires or understanding. It involves submitting to God's authority and recognizing that His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
4. **Serving Others**: Humility is closely linked to service. Jesus taught that true greatness comes from serving others, not from seeking power or recognition (Matthew 20:26-28). Christians are encouraged to serve others selflessly and to consider others more important than themselves (Philippians 2:3-4).
5. **Avoiding Pride and Arrogance**: Humility involves rejecting pride and arrogance. The Bible warns against the dangers of pride and emphasizes the importance of humility in maintaining a right relationship with God and others (Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6).
6. **Genuine Gratitude**: Humility is characterized by genuine gratitude for God's blessings and a lack of entitlement. It involves recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God and being thankful for His provision (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
7. **Building Healthy Relationships**: Humility is essential for building healthy relationships. It helps us to prioritize others, seek reconciliation, and maintain unity within the Christian community (Ephesians 4:2-3).
In summary, humility in Christianity is about recognizing our dependence on God, imitating Christ's example, serving others, trusting in God's wisdom, avoiding pride, expressing genuine gratitude, and building healthy relationships. It is a foundational virtue that shapes the Christian life and fosters spiritual growth.
¹: [What is Humility? Bible Meaning and Importance Today](^1^)
²: [Cultivating Humility: A Biblical Perspective for Spiritual Growth and ...](^2^)
³: [The Power of Humility: Why It’s Crucial for Christian Life](^3^)
⁴: [What Is the Meaning of Humility in the Bible? - Topical Studies](^4^)
(1) Cultivating Humility: A Biblical Perspective for Spiritual Growth and ....
(2) What is Humility? Bible Meaning and Importance Today - Christianity.
(3) The Power of Humility: Why It’s Crucial for Christian Life - temporary.
(4) What Is the Meaning of Humility in the Bible? - Topical Studies.
(5) What is Humility? Bible Meaning and Importance Toda - Christianity.
(6) Cultivating Humility: A Biblical Perspective for Spiritual Growth and ....
(7) The Power of Humility: Why It’s Crucial for Christian Life - temporary.
(8) What Is the Meaning of Humility in the Bible? - Topical Studies.
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