Sunday, September 1, 2024
Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo 44th Discourse on the Words of the Lord
That her son was called again to life was the joy of that widowed mother; that souls of men are every day called to life is the joy of our Mother the Church. He was dead in body they have been dead in mind. His death was outward, and was outwardly bewailed; their inward. Death hath been neither mourned for nor seen. But He hath sought for them, Who hath seen that they are dead, and He only hath seen that they are dead, Who hath been able to make them alive. If He had not come to raise the dead, the Apostle had not said: "Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."
This passage reflects on the miracle of Jesus raising the widow's son from the dead, as described in **Luke 7:11-17**. It draws a parallel between the physical resurrection of the widow's son and the spiritual resurrection that occurs within the Church. Here is a breakdown of the key points:
- **Joy of the widowed mother**: The physical resurrection of her son brought immense joy to the mother.
- **Joy of the Church**: The spiritual resurrection of souls brings joy to the Church, which is referred to as "our Mother."
- **Physical vs. Spiritual Death**: The widow's son was dead in body, while the souls of men are often dead in mind or spirit. The physical death was outwardly mourned, while spiritual death is often unseen and unmourned.
- **Jesus' Role**: Jesus seeks out those who are spiritually dead and has the power to bring them back to life. This is emphasized by the Apostle's words: "Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."
This passage highlights the transformative power of Jesus, both in physical miracles and in the spiritual renewal of believers. It underscores the importance of spiritual awakening and the joy it brings to the Church.
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