Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Saint Joseph of Cupertino

**Saint Joseph of Cupertino**, a confessor in the Catholic Church, was born on June 17, 1603, in Cupertino, Kingdom of Naples, and died on September 18, 1663. Known for his deep devotion to the Lord and his church, his life was marked by ecstasies and levitations. He is the patron saint of air travelers, pilots, and those with learning disabilities. His feast day is celebrated on September 18.

**Giuseppe Desa**, born on June 17, 1603, in Cupertino, Kingdom of Naples, is a well-known Catholic saint and mystic, particularly famous for his levitation abilities and ecstatic visions, earning him the nickname "The Flying Saint."

Joseph's early life was marked by hardship and ridicule. His father died before his birth, leaving the family in debt, and his mother was forced to give birth to him in a stable. He was considered slow to learn and often absent-minded, which led to frequent scorn from his peers. Despite these challenges, Joseph felt a strong calling to religious life.

He initially applied to join the Conventual Franciscan friars but was rejected due to his lack of education. He then joined the Capuchin friars but was dismissed after eight months because of his continued ecstasies. Eventually, he was accepted as a servant at the Franciscan monastery, where he began to change, growing in humility and gentleness. His dedication and simplicity impressed the friars, and he was finally admitted to their order and ordained a priest in 1628.

Throughout his life, Joseph experienced numerous miraculous events. Over seventy times, people reported seeing him levitate while offering mass or praying. His deep love for God and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary were central to his spiritual life. He promoted devotion to Mary as a path to a deeper Christian life and love for Jesus Christ.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino is the patron saint of aviators, astronauts, students, and those with learning disabilities. His feast day is celebrated on September 18. His life and miracles continue to inspire many people around the world.

From the Breviary
O God, Who art pleased that thine Only-begotten Son being lifted up from the earth should draw all things unto Him, be entreated for the sake of thy servant Joseph, whom Thou didst make like unto one of the Seraphim, and so effectually work in us, that even as he, we also may be drawn up above all earthly lusts, and worthily attain unto Him:

This text is a prayer that acknowledges the divine nature of Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, who was lifted up from the earth to draw all things unto Himself. The prayer seeks intercession for Saint Joseph of Cupertino, who was made like one of the Seraphim (the highest order of angels) due to his deep devotion and miraculous experiences. The prayer asks God to work in the hearts of the faithful so that, like Saint Joseph, they may rise above earthly desires and worthily attain union with Christ.

Here is the prayer in a more structured format:


O God, Who art pleased that thine Only-begotten Son being lifted up from the earth should draw all things unto Him,
be entreated for the sake of thy servant Joseph,
whom Thou didst make like unto one of the Seraphim,
and so effectually work in us,
that even as he, we also may be drawn up above all earthly lusts,
and worthily attain unto Him:

``` This prayer reflects the deep spiritual aspirations of those who seek to follow the example of Saint Joseph of Cupertino in their journey towards holiness and union with God.

1. Joseph of Cupertino - Wikipedia.
2. St. Joseph of Cupertino.
3. Saint Joseph of Cupertino’s Story – Conventual Franciscans.
4. The Devotion and Miracles of Saint Joseph of Cupertino: The Patron ....
5. The Saint Who Could Fly: The Astonishing Life of Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
6. .
7. The Daily Mass: St Joseph of Cupertino - YouTube.

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