Thursday, September 5, 2024
Saint Lawrence Justinian
S. Laurentii Justiniani Episcopi et Confessoris refers to Saint Lawrence Justinian, who was a bishop and confessor. He was the first Patriarch of Venice and is celebrated for his piety, humility, and dedication to the Church. His feast day is observed on September 5th.
Saint Lawrence Justinian was born in 1381 and became a priest in 1406. He was known for his ascetic lifestyle and deep spirituality. In 1433, he was appointed as the Bishop of Castello, and later, in 1451, he became the first Patriarch of Venice. He passed away on January 8, 1456.
Saint Lawrence Justinian is remembered for his numerous writings on spiritual and theological matters, as well as his efforts to reform the clergy and promote religious education. His life and works continue to inspire many in the Christian faith.
Saint Lawrence Justinian, also known as Lorenzo Giustiniani, was born on July 1, 1381, in Venice, Italy. He was a member of the illustrious Giustiniani family, which included several saints. His mother’s piety greatly influenced his spiritual development.
Early Life and Religious Vocation
Lawrence was known for his serious character and dedication to piety from a young age. In 1404, after being ordained a deacon, he joined a community of canons regular on the island of San Giorgio in Alga. He was admired for his poverty, mortification, and fervency of prayer. Two years after his ordination to the priesthood in 1407, he became the first prior of the community.
Bishop and Patriarch
In 1433, Pope Eugene IV appointed Lawrence as the Bishop of Castello. He found the diocese in disarray and worked diligently to reform and grow it. In 1451, Pope Nicholas V united the Diocese of Castello with the Patriarchate of Grado, making Lawrence the first Patriarch of Venice. He held this position until his death in 1456.
Contributions and Works
Saint Lawrence Justinian was known for his numerous writings on spiritual and theological matters. His works include sermons, letters, and ascetic treatises. Some of his notable works are:
- **Lignum vitae (1419)**
- **De casto connubio Verbi et animae (1425)**
- **De compunctione et complanctu christianae perfectionis (1428)**
Legacy and Veneration
Saint Lawrence Justinian passed away on **January 8, 1456**. He was beatified on **October 7, 1524**, by Pope Clement VII and canonized on **October 16, 1690**, by Pope Alexander VIII. His feast day is celebrated on **September 5th** in the General Roman Calendar and on **January 8th** in the Catholic Church.
Saint Lawrence Justinian is remembered for his deep spirituality, dedication to reforming the clergy, and promoting religious education. His life and works continue to inspire many in the Christian faith.
(1) Lawrence Justinian - Wikipedia.
(2) Lawrence Justinian, Saint | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia.
(3) Saint Lawrence Justinian - Catholicism Has the Answer.
(4) Lawrence Justinian, St. -
(5) 1721 Saint Lawrence Justinian Catholic Bishop of Medieval Venice ....
(6) St Lawrence Giustiniani – Feast Day – January 8 2025.
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