Saturday, October 26, 2024
Saint Evaristus
Saint Evaristus, also known as Pope Evaristus, served as the bishop of Rome from around 99/100 AD until his death in 107/108 AD. Born in Bethlehem, part of the Roman province of Judea, he was the son of a Greek Jew. Evaristus succeeded Saint Clement I as the fifth pope and led the early Christian community during the reign of the Roman emperor Trajan.
Evaristus is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and Oriental Orthodoxy. Although specific details about his life and martyrdom are sparse, he is traditionally considered a martyr. His papacy was marked by efforts to guide and strengthen the Christian community during a time of persecution. He played a significant role in maintaining the faith amidst challenges.
Evaristus's legacy includes his burial in the Vatican, near Saint Peter. His feast day is celebrated on October 26 in the Roman Catholic Church. Despite the limited details about his life, Evaristus's impact on the early Church and his dedication to his faith have left a lasting impression on Christian history. He was succeeded by Saint Alexander I as the next pope.
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
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During a reading from I came across this antiphon seen often in this Breviary. Take a look at the phrase ...
O Lord, make me know my end. And what is the number of my days: * that I may know what is wanting to me. Behold thou hast made my days mea...
From Psalm 36 of Douay Rheims Bible. I'm intereseted in absorbing the widom of the author. This passage caught my attention: Becau...