Tuesday, October 15, 2024
From the Proper of Saints
The refernce "from the Proper of Saints" refers to a section in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. The Proper of Saints contains specific biblical readings and prayers prescribed for the celebrations of certain saints. These readings and prayers are used during Mass and other liturgical services to honor the lives and contributions of saints on their feast days.
The Proper of Saints is part of the **sanctoral cycle**, which is distinct from the **seasonal cycle** (Proper of Time) that follows the liturgical seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter². The Proper of Saints includes Solemnities, Feasts, Memorials, and Optional Memorials, each with its own specific readings and prayers¹.
The **Proper of Saints** can be found in several liturgical books used in the Roman Catholic Church. Here are some key sources:
1. **Lectionary for Mass**: This book contains the specific biblical readings prescribed for the celebrations of certain saints. The Proper of Saints is included in the Lectionary for Mass, which is used during the liturgical services¹.
2. **Roman Missal**: The Roman Missal includes the prayers and chants for the Mass, including those for the Proper of Saints. The chants for the Proper of Saints can be found in the Roman Missal³.
3. **Liturgical Calendars**: The Proper of Saints is also listed in the liturgical calendars, which provide the dates and specific celebrations for saints throughout the year. These calendars can be found in various editions of the Roman Missal and other liturgical books¹.
These sources are typically available in Catholic churches, religious bookstores, and online resources. They provide the necessary readings and prayers for the celebration of saints' feast days.
(1) Lectionary for Mass - 2002 USA edition - Proper of Saints. https://catholic-resources.org/Lectionary/2002USL-Sanctoral.htm.
(2) Proper of Saints - NPM. https://npm.org/formation/chants-of-the-roman-missal/proper-of-saints/.
(3) Lectionary for Mass - 1970 USA edition - Proper of the Saints. https://www.catholic-resources.org/Lectionary/1970USL-Sanctoral.htm.
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