Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Saint John of Sahagún June 12
Saint John of Sahagún, also known as Juan de Sahagún, was born around the year 1430 in Sahagún, Spain. He is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church and was canonized by **Pope Alexander VIII** on **October 16, 1690**.
John was the eldest of seven children in a wealthy family. He received his early education from the monks of the Royal Monastery of St. Benedict in Sahagún. He was ordained a priest in 1445 and became a canon at the Cathedral of Burgos. However, troubled by holding multiple benefices, he resigned all but one to lead a life of poverty and mortification.
He pursued further studies at the **University of Salamanca**, where he earned degrees in theology and canon law. As a preacher, he was known for his eloquence and ability to reconcile enemies, particularly among the nobles and factions of Salamanca.
In 1463, after recovering from a serious illness, John joined the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine and became known for his deep spirituality and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. He was also recognized for his gift of discerning consciences, making him an effective confessor. His sermons were powerful, often addressing the sins of both common people and the nobility, which made him many enemies. Despite attempts on his life, he continued his mission with serenity and sweetness.
Saint John of Sahagún passed away on June 11, 1479, and his feast is celebrated on June 12th. He is often depicted holding a chalice and host, symbolizing his devotion to the Eucharist². His life exemplifies humility, peacemaking, and a commitment to social justice, making him a beacon of faith in the Catholic tradition.
John, born of a noble family at Sahagun [St. Facundus] in Spain, was granted by God to his parents, who had long been childless, in answer to their good works and prayers. From his earliest years, he gave signs of his future holiness. When ordained priest, he renounced, of his own accord, all the ecclesiastical benefits which had been given him, that he might serve God in greater tranquillity. When he incurred a serious illness in Salamanca, he bound himself by vow to observe a severer discipline. To do so, he went to the monastery of St. Augustine, where there flourished the greatest severity of discipline. As a religious, he excelled the most advanced monks in all virtues. Through his public talks and private conversations, as well as the holiness of his life, he brought back to peaceful living the citizens of Salamanca, who had been disturbed by bloody factions. In the course of this work, he was not infrequently saved from imminent death by divine power. The Lord Christ often appeared to him while he was celebrating Mass. Often also he could divine the secrets of hearts and foretell the future. At length, having predicted the day of his death, he departed this life in a most holy way, glorified by many miracles both before and after his death. These miracles were duly proved, and Alexander VIII enrolled him in the number of the Saints.
(1) John of Sahagún - Wikipedia.
(2) St. John of Sahagun | EWTN.
(3) John of Sahagún: The Beacon of Faith & Humility.
(4) FEAST OF SAINT JOHN OF SAHAGUN – 12th JUNE - Prayers and Petitions.
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