Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Saint Francis Caracciolo June 6
Saint Francis Caracciolo, born as Ascanio dei Caracciolo Pisquizi on October 13, 1563, was an Italian Catholic priest who co-founded the Order of the Clerics Regular Minor. He was born in Villa Santa Maria in the Abruzzo region, in the Kingdom of Naples.
At the age of 22, he was afflicted by a severe skin disease, considered to be a form of leprosy at the time. During this illness, he made a vow that if he regained his health, he would dedicate his life to the service of God and his fellow men. His recovery was so rapid and complete that it was considered miraculous.
Following his recovery, he renounced all his properties and noble titles, and went to Naples to study for the priesthood. After his ordination, he joined the Confraternity of the White Servants of Justice, a group that looked after the spiritual welfare of prisoners and those condemned to death.
In 1588, he mistakenly received a letter intended for a relative, which led him to co-found the Order of the Clerics Regular Minor with John Augustine Adorno and Fabrizio Caracciolo. This order combined both active and contemplative life, with a particular dedication to the divine worship centered in the Eucharistic Devotions.
Saint Francis Caracciolo passed away on June 4, 1608. He was beatified in 1769 by Pope Clement XIV and canonized on May 24, 1807, by Pope Pius VII. He is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, and his feast day is celebrated on June 4. He is also the patron saint of Naples, Italy, and Italian cooks.
(1) Francis Caracciolo - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Caracciolo.
(2) St. Francis Caracciolo - Adorno Fathers. https://www.adornofathers.org/about-us/st-francis-caracciolo/.
(3) St. Francis Caracciolo - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online. https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3439.
(4) Francis Caracciolo - Catholic Saints Day. https://catholicsaints.day/francis-caracciolo/.
(5) Saint Francis Caracciolo - CATHOLIC SAINTS. https://www.catholic-saints.info/roman-catholic-saints-a-g/saint-francis-caracciolo.htm.
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